Welcome to My Michigan (The Mitten)

I took a fifteen year break from photography to spend as much time as possible with my family. Now that the kids are out of school and I find myself with more free time I have decided to join the digital age and pick up where I left off.

For me photography is a labor of love. It helps me see everything in a new light and a new way. Everyday events become forever memories. Insects, flowers, animals and birds become magical and mystical. My eyes see a whole new world around me, sometimes alien but always beautiful. This is what I love to do, winter, spring, summer and fall, immersed in the great out of doors with a camera in my hand.

Come and join me on my expeditions. And just maybe, like many others, you will come away  "Smitten by the Mitten".

Thank you for stopping by.


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August 30, 2017

The clear clean waters of some of the small lakes up north make the colors of painted turtles really stand out.
Painted Turtle 2Painted Turtle 2

Kayaking the Black River

August 29, 2017

There is nothing more relaxing than a quite paddle down an isolated Michigan river.
Black River KayakingBlack River Kayaking

Cattle Egret

August 09, 2017

It's not often that you see Cattle Egret in Michigan. And quite rare to see one in Ingham County. I found this one Monday hanging out with the cattle on the MSU south campus.

Cattle Egret 2Cattle Egret 2
Cattle Egret 1Cattle Egret 1
Cattle Egret 3Cattle Egret 3

Cardinal Flower

August 06, 2017

The brilliant red makes it hard to get the exposure just right. Here is my best attempt. This photo was taken in Meridian Townships Legg Park

Cardinal Flower 1Cardinal Flower 1



Summer Sunflower

August 05, 2017

You know summer is in full swing when you look around and see Wild Sunflowers everywhere. This photo was taken in Meridian Townships Central Park.

Helianthus, Wild SunflowerHelianthus, Wild Sunflower

Hunting Tigers

August 03, 2017

Here is a Tiger Swallowtail feeding on Coneflower in Williamston Community Township Park.

Tiger SwallowtailTiger Swallowtail

Invasion of the Giants!

July 30, 2017

When out on a mission
Stop, look and Listen.
Keep an eye out
There are Giants about!

Lucky for me this one was "Knapping".

Giant SwallowtailGiant Swallowtail
This photo of a Giant Swallowtail on Spotted Knopweed was taken in the Southwest Meridian Upland Preserve, Meridian Township.

I Can't Believe I Saw a Pacific Loon

June 18, 2017

Believe it or not a Pacific Loon visited Littlefield Lake in Mid Michigan just south west of Clair. It has moved on now but stayed around for a couple of weeks. What a treat!

Pacific Loon 1Pacific Loon 1

Days End

June 13, 2017

Another day in Michigan comes to a beautiful end. This photo was taken at the Hammond Bay State Harbor in Presque Isle County.

Hammond Bay HarborHammond Bay Harbor

Shy Rail

June 03, 2017

This Virginia Rail wasn't sure it wanted to come out of hiding but it was curious enough to take just a wee little peak. The photo was taken in Presque Isle County.

Virginia Rail (painterly)Virginia Rail (painterly)

Mourning Warbler

June 01, 2017

This warbler is called a Mourning Warbler because its dark hood is thought to resemble a mourning veil. They seem to prefer dense underbrush so it is difficult to get a good photograph of the whole bird. This is by far the best photo that I have been able to get of a Mourning Warbler. It was taken in Presque Isle County along the shores of Ocqueoc Lake.

Mourning WarblerMourning Warbler

White-eyed Vireo

May 19, 2017

It took me two plus years to to get a halfway decent photo of a White-eyed Vireo in Michigan. This photo was taken earlier this week when I was in Hillsdale County. It's not hard to imagine how this bird got its name.

White-eyed Vireo 2White-eyed Vireo 2  

Bouquet for Mom

May 11, 2017

This Black-capped Chickadee is busy picking out a bouquet for Mothers Day. The photo was taken in Legg Park.

Chickadee 1Chickadee 1

Blue Wings

May 10, 2017

Here is a Blue-winged Warbler that I saw in the Dansville State Game Area yesterday.

Blue-winged WarblerBlue-winged Warbler


May 09, 2017

I have always wondered why a Common Yellowthroat wears a mask? What does he do when no one is watching him? This photo was taken at Lake Lansing Park North.

Common YellowthroatCommon Yellowthroat

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January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
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January February March April May June July August September October November December